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Every day matters! 2020/2021 ATTENDANCE LAWS SUMMARY: DISTRICT COMPULSARY ATTENDANCE LAWS PARENTS CAN ONLY EXCUSE 6 ABSENCES PER SCHOOL YEAR INCLUDING LATE ARRIVALS AND EARLY DISMISSALS STATE COMPULSARY AND TRUANCY ATTENDANCE LAWS STUDENTS CAN ONLY HAVE 9 ABSENCES PER CLASS PER SEMESTER TO RETAIN CREDIT IN A CLASS ALL ABSENCES COUNT 10 UNEXCUSED ABSENCES IN A SCHOOL YEAR RESULTS IN TRUANCY ATTENDANCE DETAILS: EXCUSED (CALLS, EMAILED OR FAXED NOTES ONLY DURING COVID) All absences require a call or a note for admission the following day. Notes should be legible and include: Students legal name, date missed, reason for the absence, parents signature and day time phone number Parents have up to 3 days after an absence to excuse the absence with a call or note after which it remains unexcused EXCESS PARENT ABSENCES A Parent Excess Warning Letter will be sent at 5 parent excused absences. All additional absences after the 6 allowed parent excused absences will remain unexcused unless the student has a Physician, Court or equivalent document throughout the remainder of the school year. LOSS OF CREDIT All absences count towards NCs within the first nine absences Absences are counted by period Students must be in class at least 25 minutes to be in attendance Once a student has reached the state mandated excess absence limit of nine absences and does not have a Physician, Court or equivalent for the excess absences that student will have to make up hours in After school D-Halls or Saturday Schools to retain credit for that class PHYSICIAN NOTES: Medicals must be in person office visits, individual to specific or concurrent dates missed, original and signed. No corrections or multiple, separate absences can be taken. TRUANCY Truancy absences are absences in which no parent communication has been received and carries throughout the school year. Level 1: Truancy Warning letters are sent by the school at 3 unexcused absences Assistant Principals will visit with student and parent Level 2: Truancy Warning letters are sent by the school and city at 6 unexcused absences The Assistant Principal will visit with the student and contact the parent Level 3: 10 unexcused absences results in a Truancy Letter and subsequent Court Summons TEACHER ERRORS (EMAILED CORRECTIONS ONLY DURING COVID) An unexcused absence in any one class will generate an absence call to your home. Check your Family Access attendance to identify unknown absences. Only a teacher can correct an attendance error. A student or parent can notify the teacher of the error. Teachers would then email the correction to the attendance office. PERFECT ATTENDANCE All absences count against Perfect Attendance from the first day of school to the last day of school. EXEMPTIONS All absences count against exemptions. An unexcused absence will result in loss of exemption. EARLY DISMISSALS: (EMAILED OR FAXED NOTES ONLY DURING COVID) If students needs to leave school during the day, a parent must email or fax a signed parent note to the attendance office requesting the early dismissal before the students first class that day. 18 yr old students may not sign themselves out. A parent signature is always required. If a student becomes sick during the day or a late appointment is made, an early dismissal can be done one of the following ways: A faxed parent note to 817-547-7005 with a copy of your ID A signed parent note attached to an email with a copy of your ID can be also be sent Emergency Contacts cannot initiate an early dismissal. We CANNOT take calls for early dismissals. Students must stay in class until called for an early dismissal from our office. Pre-arranging early dismissals improves the classroom teaching environment and the possibility of not being able to locate your student in time for an appointment. Students returning from early dismissals need to check back in through the attendance office. We will notify the teacher that the student is returning to their class from an early dismissal. Failure to do so results in additional absences. *At NO TIME is a student ever to leave campus during their class schedule without an early dismissal from the school. Students who leave their Richland or BCTAL campus without a valid early dismissal are considered truant and the absence will remain unexcused. *RICHLAND HIGH SCHOOL IS A CLOSED CAMPUS FOR LUNCH ADDRESS / PHONE NUMBER CHANGES If you move during the school year, you must provide new documentation in order to change your address in the system and verify your new attendance zone. Students who move during the school year without notifying the school can be withdrawn immediately. WITHDRAWALS Parents should notify their school through email with a parent signature and ID ahead of any withdrawal to another school to allow time to process the withdrawal and for collection of grades, textbooks, fees, etc. CHECK ATTENDANCE DISCIPLINE COUNSELOR A-Gl Kathy McGuire 547-7018 A-C Jennifer Muirhead 547-7126 A-Da Trenia Miller 547-7023  HYPERLINK "mailto:kathy.mcguire@birdvilleschools.net" kathy.mcguire@birdvilleschools.net D-L Derek Hinton 547-7017 Db-Ho Teresa Baker 547-7027 M-Q Tim Waldmann 547-7014 Hp-M David Arthurs 547-7026 GoN Heather Ortega 547-7013 R-Z Tracy Besgrove 547-7019 N-R Vanessa Matschulat 547-7022  HYPERLINK "mailto:heather.ortega@birdvilleschools.net" heather.ortega@birdvilleschools.net Receptionist 547-7029 S-Z Bryan Teague 547-7020 Receptionist 547-7024 OZ Adriana Ortiz 547-7028  HYPERLINK "mailto:reyna.ortiz-albarran@birdvilleschools.net" adriana.ortiz @birdvilleschools.net We hope these tips will help you throughout the school year! EVERY DAY MATTERS! Thanks! Richland Attendance Office   !"*+,-}  N O w ¸vh\QFh|5>*CJaJhih6CJaJhShxO6CJaJh0habe56CJaJhShabe6CJaJh hhabe6CJhShxO6CJ h h6CJhShabe6CJ hi6CJhi5>*䴳%5>*䴳󲹲5>*䴳<1h;Kq5>*CJ\aJhw2h%5>*CJ \aJ h5 j>*CJ aJ hw2hw2>*CJ aJ !"+, O 6 7 d e $^`a$gdS $^a$gdS $ & Fa$gdS$a$gdS $^a$gd0^gdi$a$gdxO$a$gd0   $ 6 7 = L c d e | } ƽ۲ҽ|peWKh&Sh06CJaJh&Sh056CJaJhSh0CJaJhih0>*CJaJhS>*CJaJhihSCJaJh0CJaJh&ShS6CJaJh&ShS56CJaJhShSCJaJhS>*CJaJhShS>*CJaJh0>*CJaJhihS>*CJaJh&ShS5>*CJaJhf05>*CJaJ ! " ) , ] ^ ǿrh\UF9huhS56>*CJ *hy hu56>*CJ hu5CJhShS5>*䴳5>*䴳5>*䴳5>*䴳a䴳&6C&56C0>*䴳䴳<1CJaJh5 jCJaJh0CJaJhSh0CJaJh&Sh06CJaJh5 j6CJaJe ! 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